Propaganda Ideas

I have a lot of different ideas for directions to take this poster. Not a lot of them concern the composition so much as the subject matter. Below is a photo from a 90’s PSA called “Don’t Copy That Floppy” which is basically a spiritual successor to the “Home Taping is Killing Music” PSA from the 80’s. PSAs are a good example of contemporary propaganda. I’m mostly concerned about the way we buy things now, digitally. The majority of the time you pay the same or more for something that doesn’t physically exist and you’re really only borrowing it. iTunes, Amazon, Steam, Xbox Live – all of the popular digital media services have clauses in their user agreements that state that you own the download only to a point and all of the services reserve the right to delete or take back what you’ve purchased. It’s something I feel strongly about but I need a good composition and slogan to go along with it. My other idea is about “slacktivism”, where people Tweet or Like posts online in an effort to do something (it doesn’t).

Don’t Copy that Floppy

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